Pitches Wanted (Sacramento) | $200 to $300 per article

New Posted 19 December 2022 | Remote | Comstock’s Publishing, Inc.

Jennifer Fergesen, Senior Editor at Comstock's Magazine, is looking for pitches: Comstock's magazine in Sacramento is looking for pitches for web stories. We're a 30+ year old print magazine covering business in the 10 counties around California's capital. That includes arts & culture, environment, agriculture, cannabis, government, and so on, as long as it has a business/economics angle. Coverage map and guidelines here: https://www.comstocksmag.com/submission-guidelines $200-$300 for web stories, starts at $0.50 per word for print. We accept writers at all levels, and we prefer writers who have at least some experience with the Sacramento area, but our roster includes people currently based all over the world. Email jfergesen@comstocksmag.com with two or three writing samples with your pitch. Unpublished or student work is OK. Include the word "pitch" in your subject line.

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