Freelance Writer

New Posted 20 December 2024 | Remote | Extra Teeth

Please send one piece only to during each submissions period, with SHORT STORY: [TITLE] or ESSAY: [TITLE] in the subject line. Secondary submissions will be deleted. Please don’t email to check up on your submission before eight weeks has passed from the end of the submissions period—this gives us time to read all pieces submitted. We will contact you whether or not your piece has been accepted. Editors’ decision is final.

We understand that it is unrealistic to ask you not to submit pieces elsewhere during this period, but if you need to withdraw a submission please email to let us know ASAP.

Please note we are unable to give feedback on either submissions or unsuccessful mentoring applications.


We do not set a theme for each issue; please feel free to send your best work on any topic. The best way to understand the type of work we like is to buy a copy of the magazine. You can currently get 3 issues for just £10 here.

Pieces should be between 800 and 4,000 words, submitted in a Word document in a standard font, size 12, with double line spacing.

Every submission should be accompanied by a title sheet including author’s name, address, the word count of the piece and a short biography of under 100 words. Cover letters are not required.

Work should be previously unpublished. Copyright remains with the author.


We offer £140 for each piece selected for the magazine, as well as two copies of the magazine in which the piece is featured. We also now select 4 pieces to be published online, for which we pay £100 per piece. We pay via bank transfer within 30 days of receipt of a signed publishing agreement. Extra Teeth does not charge fees to submit writing. We also offer fees for event appearances.


We accept creative fiction and nonfiction between 800 and 4,000 words. We look for short stories that stick with you, lingering in the memory long after reading, and essays that explore specific interests or issues from a new perspective. We offer a space for writers to be strange, bold and experimental, and to express their unique style however they see fit.

Extra Teeth is a Scottish magazine with an international outlook—meaning that we will always champion and cultivate great Scottish writing, but we also publish work from writers located elsewhere. We especially welcome submissions from underrepresented groups.

We are happy to accept work in translation, with the necessary permissions.

We do not currently publish poetry, scripts, translations or artwork, outside of the work of our guest illustrator for each issue.

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