Katie Hammel, Content Marketing Director at Going:
It's that time again. Next week we'll be reviewing pitches for our next batch of weekly Going Places newsletters. If you've pitched before, we've still got it and may still commission but we're always looking for more pitches for amazing places so get those pitches in by Monday!
This newsletter covers one place (city, state, country, island, region) from a writer *deeply* familiar with it. Example here https://going.com/guides/toronto-canada. These are around 1400-1600 words and pay starts at $300.
You can look here to see what destinations we've already covered: https://going.com/guide-categories/destinations.
Right now, we'll be commissioning for pieces to run in June through early August, and we have a particular interest in Eastern Europe, South America, Africa, and smaller cities in Asia.
Pitch here https://hello-going.typeform.com/to/JuO4r2xa and please be sure to explain both your writing experience and your familiarity with the place.