Reporters are responsible for generating, pitching, reporting, and writing news and short-form stories for the print and/or digital platforms; they accept daily assignments from editors; they are expected to offer insight, perspective, and sources on their areas of subject matter expertise to fellow editorial team members and supervising editors; and they are encouraged to moderate or host discussions at Inc. editorial conferences. Reporters are encouraged to pitch or accept assignments to write and report major feature stories for Inc.’s digital and print platforms. A keen interest in business and entrepreneurship and the unique experiences of founders and owners is required.
This position is represented by the Inc. and Fast Company union the Writers Guild of America-East.
Salary range: $68,000 - $95,200 + bonus eligible. Compensation may vary based on relevant experience, skills, industry, and education.
Generate story ideas (daily/weekly); report, research, fact check stories
Advise editors and colleagues of other newsworthy stories
Write and revise drafts in consultation with editors
Brainstorm and share resources with other staff
Contribute to Inc. culture by upholding our ethical standards, collaborating with editors
Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, English or a related field preferred
3+ years of editorial experience
Strong writing skills
Strong reportorial instincts and news judgement
Strong communication and interpersonal skills, for text, phone and in-person communications
Track record of accuracy and ethics
Creativity and critical thinking
Ability to conceive of and create content across platforms
Fluency in an additional language (particularly Spanish) preferred
Experience working in business journalism preferred