Pitches (Gaming, Horror/Halloween)

New Posted 29 September 2023 | Remote | Uppercut

So you want to write for Uppercut…

Here’s a quick explanation of how pitching us works!

At Uppercut, we prioritize critical work that provides an insight or angle on games that isn’t being talked about anywhere else. If you have an idea like that, we’d love to see it! That said, we also embrace fun and chaos, so if you have a witty listicle or other creative idea, we’re open to checking that out as well!

Before we get into the nitty gritty, here are some quick facts that are good to know:

– We pay $100 per piece.

– We use PayPal for all payments at this time.

– We are open to pitches the last week of each month, with the selected pitch going up the following month. Please do not pitch outside of this window.

– Because of our current budget, we can only accept two pitches per month. That said, if we like what you sent us, we might commission it for the following month.

– Every pitch will receive a response, even if we aren’t commissioning it.

How to Pitch

If you’d like to pitch us, please send an email to uppercutpitches@gmail.com with the subject line PITCH: [Your Tentative Title/Idea Summary]. Your pitch should include a brief introduction if we’ve never worked with you before as your first paragraph, followed by a brief explanation of your idea, any sources you might be planning on using, and about how many words you’re planning on. Please also include a few clips of your previous work (if you have any), your portfolio (if you have one), and links to your social media.

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