Cutleaf in partnership with All About Beer is thrilled to offer a call for submissions for beer-related writing. Share with us your short stories, personal essays, poems, or hybrid work in which beer is featured. While reviewing submissions, we delight in the unexpected. However, we're going to resist sharing specific examples of what this might look like on the page because we want the interpretation of "beer," and how it figures into your work, to be left up to you, the writer. Submissions will be open from October 1-December 31, 2022 with a tentative publication date of our beer-themed issue mid-late September 2023. Prose submissions should be double-spaced and use a standard 12-point font, such as Times New Roman. Please upload your entire submission as one MS Word file. Be sure to include your name and contact information on the first page. Cutleaf will pay from $100 to $300 for published prose. Please limit your submissions to one per person. Poems should be single-spaced and use a standard 12-point font, such as Times New Roman.
Please upload your entire submission as one MS Word file. Be sure to include your name and contact information on the first page. Cutleaf will pay from $50 to $200 for published poetry. No more than two poems per person. Founded in early 2021, Cutleaf features the best in contemporary writing in prose and verse from emerging and established writers. We are excited to promote writing that speaks to our commonalities and our differences. All About Beer was founded in 1979 and offers engaging and in-depth articles and interviews covering every aspect of brewing, from the process and ingredients to styles, trends, recipes, business, and the social pleasures of drinking. Online at