We are currently accepting applications for our Winter-Spring editorial fellowship, which runs from early January to May 31, 2023. To apply: Applicants for the editorial fellowship should submit a brief cover letter, résumé, and no more than three published clips or other appropriate reporting/writing samples to jobs@texasobserver.org by January 9, 2023. Observer fellowships may be done for course credit where offered. The editorial fellow is paid an $8,800 stipend for the semester. The fellowship program is designed to open up working opportunities for those whose economic circumstances might otherwise limit their ability to pursue a career in journalism (hence the stipend). The fellow should be based in Texas during the program, and plan to do in-person reporting. We expect and encourage editorial fellows to generate as much bylined material as motivation and skill will allow. We ask for a commitment of about 30 hours per week, but we’re reasonably flexible about scheduling.