Executive Director, Newsroom Communications

New Posted 16 November 2021 | New York, NY | The New York Times

The mission of The New York Times is to seek the truth and help people understand the world. That means independent journalism is at the heart of all we do as a company. It’s why we have 2000 employees who produce or directly support the creation of Times journalism, with award-winning journalists to report on the ground from nearly 160 countries. It’s why we focus deeply on how our readers will experience our journalism, from print to audio to a world-class digital and app destination. And it’s why our business strategy centers on making journalism so good that it’s worth paying for. To help us do this essential work, The New York Times is hiring an Executive Director, Newsroom Communications. The person in this role will develop a strategy for internal communications that contributes to building a nurturing, enriching and equitable environment for The Times’ world-class editorial staff. The Executive Director will be a senior communications strategist and trusted partner to Newsroom executives and leaders providing expert counsel and shaping internal communications and events that build culture, inclusion and connection to the organization. The person in this role will be a trusted steward of our mission across the organization, helping to elevate the employee experience for our Newsroom staff, while reinforcing the values that have sustained us over the past 170 years. We are looking for an agile leader who is adept at navigating complex organizations and working seamlessly between business unit and company contexts. You must have experience leading significant organizational change initiatives and be comfortable working in a demanding, fast-paced environment. You are an inspirational leader, with a passion for supporting professional development and growth of other team members. You must possess strategic thinking and tactical execution skills, with the agility to swiftly transition between them.

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