We pay between $500 to $750. For this call, I specifically need writers who have used at least one of these online therapy providers. This is for Verywell Mind. That said, I assign across all DDM brands - from SHAPE, to Real Simple to Verywells, HEALTH, and Parents. APPLICATION CHECKLIST: Unless otherwise stated, include (1) a note explaining how you meet the requirements or why you are the right fit for the job; (2) a one-paragraph summary of your relevant experience, credentials and publication credits; and (3) links to your strongest work or portfolio, and online profile. ABOUT VERYWELL MIND: Verywell Mind is a resource for reliable, compassionate, and up-to-date information on the mental health topics. It is dedicated to empowering readers with the trustworthy evidence-based information you need for your mental and emotional well-being. Applications: DM April McCormick on Twitter