Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Organizer | Cornerstone League |
Submission deadline |
31 Dec 2022 5:00pm CST
(almost 2 years ago)
In your time zone: Dec 31 6pm EST |
Date Awarded |
12 Apr 2023 5:00pm CDT
(over 1 year ago)
In your time zone: Apr 12 6pm EDT |
Region | Americas |
Cornerstone's Marketing and Business Development Council is now accepting entries for the 2023 Pinnacle Awards. All League member credit unions are encouraged to enter their most successful campaigns from 2022. A Pinnacle Award serves to honor your credit union and recognize staff for their special skills, innovation, time, and resources. There are over 20 Pinnacle Award categories to enter.