Giorgio Squinzi Auditorium - Assolombarda
Giorgio Squinzi Auditorium - Assolombarda, Via Pantano, 920122 Milano MI, Italy

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Event Date Tue Oct 24 EEST - Wed Oct 25 EEST (about 1 year ago)
In your timezone (EST): Mon Oct 23 5:00pm - Tue Oct 24 5:00pm
Location Giorgio Squinzi Auditorium - Assolombarda
Via Pantano, 920122 Milano MI, Italy
Region EMEA

When we think about cybersecurity, we often underestimate the impact of implementing technologies such as artificial intelligence , an effective tool in the fight against cybercrime. By basing a company's cyber strategy on it, it is in fact possible to monitor, detect and respond to a security event , anticipating the possible implications through the learning processes typical of AI. These areas, however, are in full development. For this reason , more stringent regulation at an international level has become necessary , also with a view to strengthening the IT security of the supply chain. The European Union has therefore developed a strategic cyber defense framework culminating in the approval of the Nis2 Directive , which extends the rules relating to cybersecurity to large and medium-sized enterprises, as well as to member states. Experts, institutions and companies will discuss this during the work of the seventh edition of Cybersecurity , the traditional event.


2023 Speakers


Ivana Bartoletti
Co-founder Women Leading, AI Network

Brando Benifei
Member, European Parliament, Rapporteur, European Regulation on Artificial Intelligence

Domitilla Benigni
CEO & COO, Elettronica Spa, President, Cy4Gate, President, Women4Cyber ​​Italia

Stefano Bordi
Cyber ​​& Security Academy Director, Cyber ​​& Security Solutions Division Leonardo

Luca Boselli
Partner and Head of Cyber ​​Security Services, KPMG

Silvana Candeloro
CEO, Aizoon

Gabriele Della Morte
Full professor, International Law and member, Humane Technology Lab scientific council - Catholic University of Milan

Marco D'Elia
Country Manager, Sophos Italy

Gianluca Galasso
Admiral, Director, National Cybersecurity Agency Operations Service

Rosita Galiandro
Head, Exprivia Cybersecurity Observatory

Massimo La Rovere
Security Affairs, WINDTRE

Alessandro Manfredini
Director, Group Security & Cyber ​​Defense of A2A and President, AIPSA

Michele Mariella
CIO, Maire Tecnimont group and Coordinator, Cybersecurity WG of Assolombarda

Giovanni Mocchi
Vice President, Zucchetti Group and Coordinator, Assolombarda's Data & AI WG

Sonia Montegiove
Coordinator, national gaming and training program CyberTrials Cybersecurity National Lab CINI

Claudia Ogriseg
Managing Partner, Ogriseg Law Firm, Research Fellow, ISLC University of Milan, Vice President AGI- FVG – Network Partner 24 ORE

Maura Pintor
Researcher, (RTDa) University of Cagliari

Andrea Puggioli
Senior Sales Engineer, CrowdStrike

Stefano Rebattoni
Vice President, Assolombarda with responsibility for Digital Transition and Technological Innovation

Federico Silvestri
General Director, Media and Business Gruppo 24 Ore, CEO of 24 ORE Eventi

Fabio Tamburini
Director, Il Sole 24 Ore


Luca Tremolada
Journalist, Il Sole 24 Ore

Sponsors & Partners

2023 Partners

• 24 Ore System
• IL Sole 24 Ore

• Assolombarda

• Sophos

• CrowdStrike
• Windtre

• Partner 24Ore