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Event Date Mon Mar 9 EDT - Thu Mar 11 EST (almost 5 years ago)
Region Americas

The Call Report is constantly changing, producing confusion and many questions. Extensive changes took place over the course of the past few years and there are more on the horizon. Our recent challenges related to the economic crisis under COVID-19 have added to the reporting burden with changes impacting all financial institutions.

This 3-part virtual will provide basic training for new preparers and include extensive coverage of new and complex issues for experienced preparers. New, proposed, and revised changes will be presented in summary form at the beginning of the seminar with detailed discussion over the course of the three-days as we work through the schedules impacted by the changes applicable in current reporting as well as proposed reporting in the future.

Call Report preparation requires knowledge of bank accounting, bank regulations, and virtually all bank operations. Annual training is highly recommended by regulators. Banks should have a trained preparer and a trained reviewer. Anyone responsible for preparing, reviewing, or signing a Call Report will find this program valuable. Experienced preparers and reviewers will benefit from the updates and the continued discussion on accounting and financial reporting matters. The seminar will provide basic training for new preparers, though some basic accounting knowledge is helpful, and complete coverage of new and complex issues for experienced preparers. Specific areas of concern should be communicated to the sponsor in advance of the seminar so that these areas can be covered with appropriate adequacy.


2021 Speaker


Cynthia A. Dopjera, CPA
Consultant, Third Party Resources Inc.