Crowe UK
Crowe UK, St Brides House, 10 Salisbury Square, London EC4Y 8EH, UK

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Event Date Mon Sep 23 BST (about 5 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Mon Sep 23 5:00am - Mon Sep 23 9:30am
Location Crowe UK
St Brides House, 10 Salisbury Square, London EC4Y 8EH, UK
Region EMEA

Charities are driven to achieve the greatest impact possible, whilst at the same time, knowing they need to use their resources widely.

Finance teams hold great insights and have an integral role to play in determining what activities make the biggest impact in their organisation, and in advising how funding should be directed to these activities.

This conference will move beyond spend ratios as a measure of impact, and explore how finance teams can develop flexible finance models which will allow a more reactive allocation of resources, ensuring your charity delivers the maximum impact possible.


2019 Speakers

Pesh Framjee
Partner, Global Head of Non Profits, Crowe UK

Naziar Hashemi
Partner, National Head of Non Profits, Crowe UK

Kate Lee
CEO, CLIC Sargent

Mark Salway
Director of Sustainable Finance, Cass Centre for Charity Effectiveness

David Ainsworth
Sector Specialist, Charity Finance Group

Graham Mackay
Chief Operating Officer, Bond

Sponsors & Partners

2019 Partner

• Crowe