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Event Date |
Wed Sep 6 BST (over 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Wed Sep 6 12:00am - Wed Sep 6 12:00am |
Location |
Thon Hotel EU
Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium |
Region | EMEA |
Possible discussion points:
How can we achieve a more proportionate and less complex prudential regime for investment?
How can we design a well-balanced categorization of investment firms?
How can we create a proportionate regime that can strengthen the soundness and stability of investment firms as a going concern?
How can we make sure the framework is based on appropriate risk sensitivity parameters?
How can the specific risks posed by investment firms be targeted?
Should capital requirements be calculated based on capital factors (K-factors) as proposed by EBA?
Should clearing margins be used for the calibrations?
How can the wide variations in nature, scale and complexity of investment firms' activities be taken into account?
Mattias Levin
Deputy Head of Unit, Dir D2 - Banks and Financial Conglomerates, DG FISMA, European Commission
Giuseppe Gabriel Cardi
Senior Policy Expert, EBA - European Banking Authority
Ted Hart
Head of Public Affairs & Policy, Legal & General Group Plc
Piebe Teeboom
Secretary General, FIA European Principal Traders Association
European Principal Traders Association
Legal & General