Hotel Berlin
Hotel Berlin, Lützowpl. 17, 10785 Berlin, Germany

What is Qwoted?

Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Event Date Tue Nov 21 CET - Wed Nov 22 CET (about 1 year ago)
In your timezone (EST): Mon Nov 20 6:00pm - Tue Nov 21 6:00pm
Location Hotel Berlin
Lützowpl. 17, 10785 Berlin, Germany
Region EMEA

After the resounding success of our seminal event last year, we head to Germany for the highly anticipate second edition, a conference turned upside down. The event's primary focus will be on securing those all-important meetings, strengthening ties with existing clients and forging new connections. We will have plenty of meeting rooms, networking spaces, and fun things for you to do over two days.

It will be a conference like none you've attended before. We will choose to focus on just a few, select and critical keynotes, leaving you the rest of the time to focus on meetings and dealmaking.


2023 Speakers

Nicholas Oliver
Head of Business Development / Co Chair of the Africa Infrastructure Board, NMS International Group

Edna Schöne
Head of ECA Business, Euler Hermes

Rebecca Harding
Senior Fellow, British Foreign Policy Group

Simone Andrae
CEO, Andrae Project Finance GmbH

Sandra Halver-Simons
Global Head of Corporate and Export Finance, SMS Group

Roman Matkiwsky
Director, Energy & Infrastructurem Black Sea Trade & Development Bank

Tufan Özkan
Executive Board Member, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), Bozankaya Group

Beatriz Reguero
COO State Account Business, CESCE Credit Insurance

Michael Sobl
Global Head of Export Finance, Deutsche Leasing

Peder Lundquist
CEO, Export and Investment Fund of Denmark (EIFO)

Eike Kreplin
Co-Chair of Interministerial Committee for Export Credit, Guarantees/Division VC2 - Export financing, export credit guarantees Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Henri D'Ambrieres
Manager, Henri D’Amrbieres

Nihal Yüksel
Project Finance & Business Development Director, Kalyon Holding

Gernot Bruch
Global Head of Export & Project Finance, Linde Engineering

Ed Harkins
Trade & Export Finance Ambassador, South African Chamber of Commerce

Dominik Kloiber
Commercial Director, TXF

Daniel Sheriff

Dr. Georg Bauer
Head of Project Financing, Siemens Energy

Markus Hoskovec
Managing Director, OeKB - Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft

Achim Becker
Managing Director, INZAG Germany GmbH

Julia Schultz-Berndt
Head of Financial Analysis & Structuring Europe, Nordex

Richard Heiler
Public Finance for Onshore Wind, GE Capital

Ralf Steger
Head Financial Services, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen

Patricia Schmitt Millward
Director Export Finance, Deutsche Leasing

Marcus Ebert
Sales Director, Deutsche Bahn

Daniel Bembennek
Head of Finance, ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG

Markus Sluga
Director International Structured Finance, VAMED

Stefanie Schwankner
Teamlead Project Financing & Equity Sales Manager- erneuerbare Energien, MaxSolar GmbH

Frank Helmert
Head of Division Market & Innovation, Euler Hermes

Madiha Aslam
Head of Project & Structured Finance, Innovo

Philipp Krüger
Corporate Financing and Controlling, Rohde Schwarz

Marcus Lube
Partner, AA_PROCON Management Group

Hesham Zakai
Managing Director, TXF

Alfonso Olivas
Head of Data and Analytics, TXF

Eduardo Oliveira de Miguel
CEO, HOMT España S.A.

Laure Duvernay
Head of Project Finance, Alcatel Submarine Networks

Hakan Svensson
Head of Export and Trade Finance, Linxon

Karel Vanderputte
Team Coordinator SME & Funded Solutions, Credendo

Soeren Schubert
Project and Export Finance Manager (PEF), Alstom

Gilles Pinot-de-villechenon
Head of Export Finance, Chantiers de l'Atlantique

Olivier Picard
President, Ellipse Projects SAS

Christian Bockler
Director/ Head of Project Finance and Renewables, Jebsen & Jessen Industrial Solutions GmbH

Thomas Baum
Executive - Head of Division Underwriting & Risk Management, Euler Hermes

Adam Webb
Product Director, Cathode, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence

Sponsors & Partners

2023 Sponsors

• Deutsche Leasing
• Standard Chartered

• Jebsen & Jessen Financial Solutions