Diane is a natural-born leader and entrepreneur with several decades of fundraising and nonprofit consulting experience. Diane’s leadership has resulted in partnering with clients to raise several billion dollars. Diane is sought after for her creative solutions to fundraising challenges, nonprofit strategic direction, ethical fundraising practices, and ability to lead our clients to success.
Prior to co-founding Catapult Fundraising, Diane served as the Chairman of IDC and Founder of 1-2-1 Philanthropic Solutions. She is one of a few people who have received awards from two AFP chapters, AFP New Jersey and AFP Las Vegas, for her fundraising achievement. Diane is past president of the AFP New Jersey Chapter, past board member of the AFP Global Board and Foundation Board, and the first female Chair of the American Association of Fundraising Counsel (now known as The Giving Institute).
There is no shortage of money available to nonprofits in the United States. In fact, there will be more fundraising opportunities than ever before due to The Great Wealth Transfer in which $30 trillion-$68 trillion is expected to shift from baby boomers to Generation X and millennials. While obviously exciting for financial planners, it should also excite fundraising professionals and nonprofit organizations.
-Article appeared in: Advancing Philanthropy: Volume 30-No. 2 April 2023
Presented by Diane M. Carlson, Chairman, Catapult Fundraising for AFP Hawaii Chapter