Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Organizer | Crew Chicago |
Submission deadline |
11 Feb 2021 5:00pm UTC
(almost 4 years ago)
In your time zone: Feb 11 12pm EST |
Date Awarded |
25 Feb 2021 5:00pm UTC
(almost 4 years ago)
In your time zone: Feb 25 12pm EST |
Region | All |
At CREW Chicago, we’re proud to celebrate the standout achievements and leadership exhibited by our community, awarding the CREW Chicago Industry Leadership Award each year since 2012 to an innovative and influential leader who has contributed significantly to the growth and prestige of women in the commercial real estate industry.
This year is a year of true acknowledgment of not only our past recipients, but also the next generation of leaders: our CREW Rising Stars. Our past recipients have each identified one woman who they believe should be recognized as an emerging leader in the industry. This year we are honored to celebrate our CREW Rising Stars!