
What is Qwoted?

Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Organizer AAF Seattle
Submission deadline 22 Jan 2021 5:00pm UTC (about 4 years ago)
In your time zone: Jan 22 12pm EST
Date Awarded 25 Mar 2021 5:00pm UTC (almost 4 years ago)
In your time zone: Mar 25 1pm EDT
Region All

Our local competition recognizes the area’s best of the best - and it’s a pretty great party, too. The winners of these prestigious trophies go on to compete regionally, and the best then vie in the national competition.
So yeah, an ADDY is kind of a big deal.

This year is even more special with the addition of more professional and student categories!

Mosaic Award recognizing companies, agencies, and individuals whose commitment to diversity and inclusion is evident through their creative work and organization-wide initiatives.

Audio and Radio Awards recognizing commercial audio messages conveyed to the target consumer by the seller of a product or service via mass media transmission.

Political Advertising Award recognizing advertising used for advocating, fundraising, endorsement of or opposition to a candidate, political issue, referendum, ballot proposition, constitutional amendment, or political party.

Past winners

2020 Winners

Winners By Agency:
• Wunderman Thompson/seattle

Judges’ Choice:
• Mandy
• Alison
• Mike Heidl

Best In Show:
• Digital Kitchen

People’s Choice:
• Digital Kitchen

District Xi Student Winner:
• Simone Pierson