Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Organizer | Business News Australia |
Submission deadline |
23 Feb 2021 5:00pm AEDT
(almost 4 years ago)
In your time zone: Feb 23 1am EST |
Region | APAC |
For more than a decade the Young Entrepreneur Awards have uncovered the nation's top business minds and put them in the spotlight for their talents.
We've always been impressed by the entrants, but in 2020 we were blown away by the nominations received. Clearly the difficulties of the year did not do much to dampen the spirits of these young pioneers, many of whom have thrived.
Some nominees implemented clever and timely pivots when their models came under threat, choosing to jump on the moment and make sure their communities were looked after during a time of crisis. Others had well-prepared and pandemic-proof business models built many years in advance to take advantage of an increasingly online economy.
Each and every finalist in the Australian Young Entrepreneur Awards 2020 has a reason to celebrate - surviving the year alone was one challenge, but to grow and capture opportunity despite the uncertainty was a major achievement. These business leaders are the cream of the crop, and we can't wait to see what they deliver in 2021.