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Organizer Los Angeles Times
Submission deadline 9 Mar 2022 5:00pm PST (about 3 years ago)
In your time zone: Mar 9 8pm EST
Date Awarded 21 Jun 2022 5:00pm PDT (over 2 years ago)
In your time zone: Jun 21 8pm EDT
Region Americas

The Los Angeles Times is excited to announce the second annual CFO Leadership Awards scheduled for June 21st, 2022, followed by a stand-alone magazine set to publish on July 24, 2022 to recap the event with coverage of honorees and nominees.

The business community and readers will have an opportunity to nominate individuals for consideration. After nominations are received, the B2B publishing executive committee will highlight noteworthy CFOs for their successes and accomplishments during the last 24 months for the financial health of their organization, as well as their exemplary leadership qualities within their organizations and communities across California. We invite you to nominate California-based CFOs who are impacting change. The C-suite magazine will recap the event and profile honorees and nominees. Separately, we will recognize California-based CEOs from various industries who exhibit exceptional leadership in the region. CEOs will be recognized by leadership profiles only. There is no cost to nominate. All nominees must work in California to be qualified.