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Organizer Incisive Media
Date Awarded 13 Oct 2022 5:00pm BST (over 2 years ago)
In your time zone: Oct 13 12pm EDT
Region EMEA

Now in their 4th year these special awards aim to celebrate and recognise women from all areas and levels in the channel; from graduate newcomers to top leaders and entrepreneurs.

The challenge of increasing diversity in tech is now firmly on the agenda across the UK, but it is far from a solved problem. Women are still well under-represented across the industry. We feel that shouting about the accomplishments of women in the channel - not because they are women, but because their accomplishments are worth shouting about - can play an important role in tackling diversity in the channel.

The Women in Channel Awards always bring great stories to the fore. Over the past year many women have faced a unique and unforeseen set of challenges. Working from home, balancing work and home/family life, while continuing to make top class contributions to their businesses.

Past winners

2021 Winners

Best Community Outreach Programme
• Computacenter

Diversity Employer of the Year
• Softcat

Ethnic Diversity Champion
• Softcat

Gender Parity Award
• SHI Corporation UK

Health and Welbeing Recognition Award
• Computacenter

Executive Mentor of the Year
• Laura-Jane Turner, Jigsaw Systems Limited

Graduate Apprentice of the Year (reseller)
• Hannah Bath, Softcat

Graduate Apprentice of the Year (vendor/distributor)
• Erin Serdet, Microsoft

Entrepreneur of the Year
• Zuleika Philips, Zoom

Manager of the Year (reseller/solution provider)
• Michaela Nankin, Softcat

Manager of the Year (Vendor/Distributor)
• Anita Wosket, Westcoast

Marketing employee of the Year (reseller/solution provider)
• Jessica Poulter, CDW

Marketing employee of the year (Vendor/distributor)
• Maria Ferrara, Palo Alto Networks

Outstanding Returner Award
• Ashley Messina, Academia

Rising Star Award (reseller/solution provider)
• Poppy Angell, Phoenix Software Ltd

Rising Star Award (vendor/distributor)
• Isabelle Stewart, Vmware Uk Ltd

Role Model of the Year (reseller)
• Mary Hunter, Accenture

Role Model of the Year (Vendor/Distributor)
• Hayley Roberts, Distology

Sales Employee of the Year (reseller)
• Claire Jarmyn, Computacenter

Sales Employee of the Year (vendor/distributor)
• Claire Silcock, Palo Alto Networks

Technical Employee of the Year (reseller/solution provider)
• Jola Tkacz, KHIPU Networks

Technical Employee of the Year (vendor/distributor)
• Ruth Miller, Fujitsu

Unsung Hero (reseller/solution provider)
• Lauren Price, Academia

Unsung Hero (vendor/distributor)
• Emma Sines, Westcoast

Woman of the Year
• Debbie Allard, Computacenter
• Hayley Roberts, Distology