
What is Qwoted?

Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Organizer Digital Leaders
Submission deadline 12 May 2023 5:00pm UTC (almost 2 years ago)
In your time zone: May 12 1pm EDT
Date Awarded 22 Jun 2023 5:00pm UTC (over 1 year ago)
In your time zone: Jun 22 1pm EDT
Region EMEA

Our community of 180,000 leaders are at the coalface of leveraging technology to promote economic growth and increase social well-being. This community knows and nominates those who are promoting effective, long-term digital transformation.
The DL100 list is then judged by the Digital Leaders’ Advisory Board, sponsors and category experts to create the list winners. This is one awards list you can’t buy your way onto.