virtual Awards ceremony

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Organizer Last Word Media
Submission deadline 20 Jan 2021 5:00pm UTC (almost 4 years ago)
In your time zone: Jan 20 12pm EST
Date Awarded 22 Feb 2021 5:00pm UTC (almost 4 years ago)
In your time zone: Feb 22 12pm EST
Region All

FSA’s Fund Awards are based on data from FE Fundinfo, which filters the universe of funds in Hong Kong (1,292 eligible funds) and Singapore (2,932 eligible funds) for alpha, volatility and consistency across 14 categories. FE then creates two shortlists – one for Hong Kong and a separate one for Singapore.

In Hong Kong, funds have to be registered for retail sale to be eligible. In Singapore, funds with “accredited investor” status are eligible. Eligible funds include only actively managed funds (ETFs, passive/stracking funds are excluded) and should have at least three years track record.

The methodology for the shortlists is 100% quantitative, providing an apples-to-apples comparison.

Next, the shortlists are given to independent panels of well-known professionals from Asia’s fund selector community. Hong Kong and Singapore have separate judging panels to reflect the difference in offerings.