JW Marriott Grosvenor House London
JW Marriott Grosvenor House London, 86-90 Park Ln, London W1K 7TN, UK

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Organizer FX Design Awards
Submission deadline 29 Jul 2022 5:00pm BST (almost 2 years ago)
In your time zone: Jul 29 12pm EDT
Date Awarded 30 Nov 2022 5:00pm GMT (over 1 year ago)
In your time zone: Nov 30 12pm EST
Region EMEA

We are pleased to announce that entering online is now live, and our new panel of judges will look forward to receiving your magnificent projects. There are categories for all of you, and as this has become so much of an international event, we are delighted to introduce a new category for our home market which is UK Workspace (of any size). Remember you can enter more than one category and each category will be judged by a different panel - so if you don't win in one category you could win in another!