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Organizer | Berkeleyme Investors Club |
Date Awarded |
25 May 2024 5:00pm +04
(10 months ago)
In your time zone: May 25 9am EDT |
Region | EMEA |
“Invest in Central Asia (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) Conference 2024” event will feature the gathering of government officials, investors, and professionals across the globe. An event of 250 selective businessmen and investors across the globe, offering investments and chose the projects on spot. Let’s make Pakistan & Central Asian countries economically more strong.
We acknowledge the dynamic individual’s who has made outstanding contribution to nation as well as to business community over the past year. We seek to appreciate the invaluable individuals who work in such high-pressure positions and deliver the best value, and make it prominent how you give benefit of your enterprise. To assist us in our search for the top minds, we invite you to make your voice heard via a nomination, so we can showcase those who strive to promote the growth and deserve to be commended.