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Organizer GDS Group
Submission deadline 18 Feb 2021 5:00pm UTC (about 4 years ago)
In your time zone: Feb 18 12pm EST
Region EMEA

Recognizing excellence in senior leadership within large enterprises.

The Leadership Excellence Awards break down geographic boundaries to recognize the best in the world.

The Leadership Excellence Awards are hosted at the globally respected GDS Summits.

These events bring together senior executives from the biggest global brands who are actively seeking to learn, engage, and find the best technology solutions.

The events provide a forum for leaders to learn from peers about how they are approaching common challenges and opportunities. Each GDS Summit hosts a Leadership Excellence Awards with the ceremony held at the end of the conference agenda. This gives outstanding individuals the chance to be recognized for their achievements in front of the industry in which they serve.

Technology Leader of the Year - Europe
This award will recognise outstanding C-Suite (or equivalent) information technology executives who can demonstrate exemplary leadership through real-world achievements in their field. Judges are particularly interested in seeing evidence of the application of innovative technologies or strategies over the last 12 months that have led to improved business performance and operational efficiencie

Past winners

2020 Winners

• Mikio Fujitsuka, Head of Global Consumer Care, Johnson & Johnson (GOLD)
• Lisa Gregorian & Blair Rich, Business Unit Leaders, Warner Bros. Entertainment (SILVER)
• Michael Rardon, Head of Marketing, JackRabbit (BRONZE)
• Itay Rahat, Warner Music Group (BRONZE)

• Jamie Walker, UnitedHealth (GOLD)
• Adrin Mammen, Associate Vice President, Patient Access Transformation Officer, Montefiore (SILVER)
• Askshara Reddy, Head of Integrated Consumer Experience, Joint Ventures at Aetna (BRONZE)

• Dana Chaves, SVP Director of Specialty Banking, First Federal Bank (GOLD)
• Alyce Reopelle, SVP, GCT NAM PMO Leader, Citi (SILVER )
• Diego Blanco, BBVA USA (BRONZE)

• Miao Song, VP, MARS (GOLD)
• Stefan Latuski, CIO, Siemens Mobility (SILVER)
• Nicolas Bogucki, CIO Head of Digital, L'Olivier Assurance (an Admiral Group company) (BRONZE)

• Gustavo Roisinblit, VP of eCommerce, Invicta Stores (GOLD)
• Praveen Moturu, VP, Chief Enterprise Architect, Mars Inc. (SILVER )
• Luiz H. Gondim, Global CTO, Z-Tech/ABI (BRONZE)

• Diana Pacheco (GOLD)
• Girish Ganesan, Global Head of Diversity & Inclusion, TD Bank (SILVER)
• Bobbi Landreth, Director, Talent Acquisition & HR Systems, Fedex (BRONZE)
• Tushar Trivedi, VP, People and Culture, BP (BRONZE)
• John Ferguson, Head of Talent Planning, JPMorgan Chase (BRONZE)

• Rose Jia, Head of Paid Media, Amazon (GOLD)
• Graeme Cochrane (SILVER)
• Earl Newsome, Chief Information Officer, Linde (SILVER)
• Michael Bodmer (BRONZE)