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Organizer Urban Land Institute Asia Pacific
Submission deadline 17 Mar 2021 5:00pm UTC (over 3 years ago)
In your time zone: Mar 17 1pm EDT
Region All

The ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence recognise the full development process of a project, not just its architecture or design—although these elements play an important role. The jury will evaluate projects and programmes on the extent to which they:

• Achieve marketplace acceptance/financial success;
• Achieve a high standard of excellence across a range of disciplines—architecture, design, planning, construction, resiliency, economics, management, etc.;
• Have a positive impact on communities and/or immediate context;
• Are environmentally sustainable and/or resilient
• Provide a model or strategy that can be replicated in other projects or communities.

The ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence have recognised a wide variety of product types, including office, residential, recreational, urban/mixed use, industrial/office park, commercial/retail, new community, rehabilitation, public, open space, and legacy projects, as well as programmes and projects that do not fit into any of these product categories.