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Event Date |
Tue Jun 14 CEST - Wed Jun 15 CEST (over 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Mon Jun 13 6:00pm - Tue Jun 14 6:00pm |
Location |
House of Logistics & Mobility (HOLM) GmbH
Bessie-Coleman-Straße 7, 60549 Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
Region | EMEA |
For the fifteenth time, experts from all areas of Frankfurt's financial sector will meet for the two-day “WM Group's digital conference on financial center day”. Every year, the “Finanzplatztag” brings together the employees of the banks and the banking-related companies, such as the IT industry. It enables the exchange with experts from business and politics. A virtual exhibition gives an insight into new products and services related to the financial industry from the issue to the customer deposit. Frankfurt is a world-class financial center, home to the European Central Bank, insurance and financial supervision. The special importance of the financial sector is also shown by the fact that the number of banks in Frankfurt continues to grow.
2022 Speakers
Patrick Althausen
Head of Sales, WM Datenservice
Tarek Al-Wazir
Hessian Minister, Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Housing
Ramazan Celikoz
Director, Client Services DACH
Matthew Danne
Management Board, DekaBank
Sascha Dolker
Digitization Management, dwpbank
Detlef Fechtner
Journalistic Career, vwd news agency
Katharina Gardyan
Securities Services Markets and Securities Services, HSBC Transaction Services
Bernd M. Geier
Partner, Rimon Falkenfort
Wolfgang Göb
Strategic and Content-Related Questions, SDS
Helge Haase
Investment Director and Authorized Signatory, BM H Beteiligungs-Managementgesellschaft Hessen mbH
Jens Hachmeister
Managing Director, Head of Issuer Services and New Digital Markets, Deutsche Börse AG
Christian Heller
CEO, Value Balancing Alliance
Matthew Hellstern
Managing Director, Moody's Germany GmbH
Sven Hildebrandt
strategic corporate development, blockchain technologies
Karl Martin im Brahm
CEO DACH, Objectway
Lutz Knappmann
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Börsen-Zeitung
Georg Lanfermann
President, DRSC - German Accounting Standards Committee
Christiane Lang
Editor-in-Chief of Funds & Finance,, Stock exchanges newspaper
Sabine Mauderer
Executive Board, Deutsche Bundesbank
Thorsten Poetzsch
Board of Supervisors, Management Board, European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
Miriam Puetz
Vorsitzende Geschäftsführerin | Chief Executive OfficerVorsitzende Geschäftsführerin | Chief Executive Officer, WM Gruppe
Alexander Reichhardt
Business Development Lead, Upvest
Hans Joachim Reinke
CEO, Union Investment
Christian Scarafia
Managing Director, Fitch Ratings
Christian Schäfer
Managing Director and Head of Brokerage & Banking, Upvest Securities
Jörg Scherer
Head of Technical Analysis, HSBC Germany
Sebastian Schmid
Deputy Editor in Chief, Boersen-Zeitung
Oliver Schwebel
Managing Director, Frankfurt Economic Development GmbH
Rachid Touzani
CEO der Cargo, Steps GmbH & Co. KG in Frankfurt
Gertrud R. Traud
Chief Economist, Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
Torsten Ulrich
Managing Director, WM group.
Hubertus Vaeth
Founded, New Mark Group
Gesa Vogele
Member of the Management, CRIC – Corporate Responsibility Interface Center e. V.
Alex Wehnert
Natalie Westerbarkey
Director and Head, EU Public Policy
Yvonne Ziegler
Managing Director, start-up Mytigate GmbH
Martin Zoller
Department for Finance and Risk Management, dwpbank
2022 Sponsors
• BNP Paribas Securities Services
• Deutsche WertpapierService Bank AG (dwpbank)
• Frankfurt Main Finance
• Helaba Group
• HSBC Transaction Services GmbH
• Frankfurter Kreditinstitute (IFK)
• Objectway