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Event Date |
Mon Jun 5 BST (over 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Mon Jun 5 12:00am - Mon Jun 5 12:00am |
Location | Paris, France |
Region | EMEA |
The 15th Paris December Finance Meeting is organized in downtown Paris on December 21, 2017 by EUROFIDAI (European Financial Data Institute) and ESSEC Business School with the participation of AFFI (French Finance Association).
It is jointly sponsored by CERESSEC / CDC Institute for Economic Research / CNRS / Institut Louis Bachelier / Fondation Banque de France in Money, Finance and Banking / Equipex BEDOFIH project (European high frequency financial database) / Amundi / Ardian / Natixis / Societe Generale
All researchers in finance are invited to present in English their latest research in all areas of finance and insurance: Asset Pricing, Banking/Financial Intermediation, Bankruptcy, Behavioral Finance, Capital Structure, Corporate Governance, Derivatives, Ethical Finance, Entrepreneurial Finance, Financial Analyst, Financial Crisis, Financial Econometrics, Financial Mathematics, Financial Risks, Hedge Funds/Mutual Funds, Historical Finance, Insurance, Interest Rates, International Finance, Investment Policy/Capital Budgeting, Market Microstructure / Liquidity, Merger and Acquisition, Ownership, Payout Policy, Portfolio Management, Private Equity/Venture Capital, Banking Regulation and Systemic Risk, Risk Management, Security Issuance/IPO.
In previous years, approximately one in six submitted papers was accepted. The Paris December Finance Meeting is one of the top 2 European conferences in terms of the quality of the papers presented.