Millennium Knightsbridge
Millennium Knightsbridge, 17 Sloane St, London SW1X 9NU, United Kingdom

What is Qwoted?

Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Event Date Tue Jun 14 BST (about 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Mon Jun 13 7:00pm - Mon Jun 13 7:00pm
Location Millennium Knightsbridge
17 Sloane St, London SW1X 9NU, United Kingdom
Region EMEA

Navigate and improve the complaints handling process, implement industry-leading strategies into your team, and stay ahead of regulatory change.

What Will You Gain?
• Understand how Heads of Customer Service are preparing for Consumer Duty
With Consumer Duty bringing a huge change for conduct risk leads, you can understand the expectations for complaints handling, vulnerable customers and the holistic customer journey.

Explore how your peers are handling the change management project in terms of processes, systems and communications.

• Meet the leads from banks, funds and insurers shaping complaints handling
You'll be able to meet your industry counterparts within compliance, customer contact, remediation and conduct risk.

Meet with those who are working day-to-day to shape the complaints handling strategy and discuss in-depth with your peers to solve the shared technical issues.

• Shaping complaints management frameworks for banks, insurers and funds
This summer we will see banks, insurers and funds connect to share how they are building their complaints handling frameworks. Understand how the industry is overcoming the common challenges and the shared solutions on offer.

You will be able to meet with your industry counterparts and take away ideas from across the industry that you might not have previously considered, ready to implement in your organisation on Monday morning.

• Improve complaints handling from front-line to resolution
- New complaints handling tools and technologies
- What will hybrid working mean for complaints?
- Understand the impact of the new Consumer Duties regulation
- Beyond root-cause analysis - bringing in more data
- Feedback capture
- Identifying & handling vulnerable customers

• Benefit from expert insight across all financial services
60+ national and boutique firms
- National and local banks
- Insurance companies
- Law & advisory firms
- Investment management firms
- Claims management companies
- Credit consumer firms
- Regulatory bodies

• Stay ahead of key developments in policy & innovation
- Regulatory complaints outlook for 2021
- Improving customer journey data to reduce complaints
- Using technology to predict an outcome
- Changing nature of customer expectations & outlets
- What is next in complaints?


2022 Speakers

Elizabeth Ajala
Head of Quality Assurance, Monzo

Elaine Banks
Head of Compliance, KGM Underwriting Services

Michael Hill
Complaint Management Expert, Civica

Scott Lee Holloway
Voice of the Customer Manager, APS Bank

Tom Jeffery
Head of Customer Care, Oodle Car Finance

Edward Marks
Head of Group Customer Outcomes, The AA

Chioma Nwachukwu
Senior Customer Resolutions Manager, Everyday Loans

Hayley Perks
Head of Consumer Affairs, NHBC

Adam Robinson
Complaints Oversight Manager, Direct Line Group

Caroline Wells
Director, Different Petal Consulting

Sponsors & Partners

2022 Sponsor

• Civica
• Worksmart