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Event Date |
Tue Apr 23 CEST - Wed Apr 24 CEST (almost 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Tue Apr 23 2:00am - Wed Apr 24 11:00am |
Location |
OECD Conference Centre
46 Quai Alphonse le Gallo, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France |
Region | EMEA |
The OECD Global Forum on Public Debt Management is a roundtable meeting where public debt managers from the OECD area (as well as regulators, central bankers, other financial policy makers and, on occasion, private sector participants) discuss best practices, experiences, and policies in the field of government debt management and the development of government and corporate securities markets with their counterparts from non-OECD countries.
The 2019 Forum will address the following issues:
• monetary policy normalisation and market spill-overs
• importance of investor relations for a sustained market access
• a rising prospect for green and sustainable finance
• use of stress tests and scenario analysis in debt management
2019 Speakers
Mr. Teppo Koivisto
Director of Finance, State Treasury, Finland, and Chair of the OECD Working Party on Public Debt Management (WPDM)
General Mr. Masamichi Kono
Deputy Secretary, OECD
Mr. Teppo Koivisto
Director of Finance, State Treasury, Finland and Chair of the OECD WPDM
Mr. Yasuto Watanabe
Deputy Director of AMRO
Mr Charles Cohen
Deputy Division Chief, IMF
Mr. Johannes Schluetz
Head of Investor Relations, German Debt Management Office
Mr. Mats Filipsson
Senior Financial Officer, World Bank Treasury
Mr. Mats Filipsson
Senior Financial Officer, World Bank Treasury
Mr. Teppo Koivisto
Director of Finance, State Treasury, Finland and Chair of the OECD WPDM
2019 Sponsors
• Government of Japan