Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Event Date |
Wed Apr 6 UTC - Thu Apr 7 UTC (almost 3 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Tue Apr 5 8:00pm - Wed Apr 6 8:00pm |
Location | Virtual |
Region | All |
"CleanTech" signifies technologies that contribute to a transition to net-zero emissions, especially renewable energy production, storage, or transmission. This includes, but is not limited to, solar and wind energy, energy efficiency, and battery storage.
Programming Opportunities.
The mission will include a number of unique sessions:
• In-depth presentations by several economic development organizations with a focus on attracting CleanTech investment.
• Panel discussions covering key investment topics, such as the fundraising landscape and establishing your company in the U.S.
• Webinars with key U.S. government agencies.
• A pitching session for selected companies to showcase their product in front of a panel of judges and a wider audience.
• Extensive opportunities to network with other participants.