CFA Society of New York
CFA Society of New York, 1540 Broadway #1010, New York, NY 10036, USA

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Event Date Thu Mar 14 EDT (almost 6 years ago)
Location CFA Society of New York
1540 Broadway #1010, New York, NY 10036, USA
Region Americas

The third annual Institutional Investment Consulting Roundtable will feature a high-level discussion among senior institutional investment consultants. Institutional investment consultants provide investment advice to public and private companies, foundations and endowments, and wealthy families looking for help with managing their money, or the money in their employees’ retirement funds. The typical large consultant group usually has a division between the field consultants and the research consultants. The field consultants are the ones who meet with the clients. The research department mainly compiles the performance and other relevant information about the managers. From this the research, consultants provide the “short list” of approved managers that the field consultants use when they are assessing the best portfolio manager for a particular client. Investment consultants are highly influential in the institutional market.


2019 Speakers

Jeff McConnell
Chief Investment Officer, Greystone Consulting

Texas Hemmaplardh
CFA, Partner, Mercer