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Event Date | Wed Jun 14 EDT (over 1 year ago) |
Location | Webinar |
Region | All |
Enterprises are under pressure to deliver exceptional customer experiences by integrating applications and data that are on-premises, in private clouds, and on hybrid platforms. Meanwhile, customers expect applications and processes to become more automated, productive, and intelligent. And all of this is happening against a backdrop of an unpredictable economy.
Join experts for a lively, interactive discussion on tackling the new complexities of integration by combining a unified data and application integration platform, data engineering, and on-demand cloud platform technologies. In this discussion, our experts will share how you can:
• Move from traditional on-premises integration technology (and data silos) to hybrid heterogenous cloud integration
• Optimize your cloud migration strategy beyond the traditional “lift and shift”
• Strategically manage and govern your integrations and APIs to avoid API and services sprawl
• Keep up with the radically changing security landscape
Don’t miss this opportunity to discover how to improve your processes, better manage costs, and enable greater employee productivity by simplifying your enterprise integration.
2023 Speakers
Angelos Efthimiou
Practice Manager, Amazon Web Services
Nagaraja Krovi
Vice President of Enterprise Integration Practice, Persistent Systems
John Carter
Product Manager – webMethods Integration, Software AG