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Event Date |
Thu Mar 1 GMT - Fri Mar 2 GMT (about 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Thu Mar 1 12:00am - Fri Mar 2 12:00am |
Location |
030 Eventloft, Spreespeicher Berlin
Stralauer Allee 2A, 10245 Berlin, Germany |
Region | EMEA |
Diving into the Customer-Centric Revolution
Senior level e-commerce summit for advanced pure players and omnichannel retailers in Europe
The e-Commerce industry in Europe is undergoing a revolution. Retailers across the continent are moving to a digital mindset, with one key unlocking the fundamental shifts we are witnessing: the customer. Digital transformation, agility, innovation and adaptability, using data smarter, and technologies such as AI, IoT, and AR/VR are all penetrating the e-Commerce sphere. All with the end goal of allowing e-Commerce players to become truly customer-centric.
But how can retailers know what is a fad, and what is the future? Savant eCommerce Berlin 2018 will be diving into the customer-centric revolution, bringing together market leaders from across Germany and Europe to engage in a two-day dissection of the most current topics. Retailers will be sharing best practices, challenges, and lessons learnt in personalisation, customer experience and engagement, using data smarter, omnichannel, the use of technology in e-Commerce, and working in a world of marketplaces.
Join us in Berlin for Savant eCommerce 2018 to share in the experience and position yourself to ride the customercentric wave rippling across the industry
How Will You Benefit
135+ Leading online retailers and brands to meet
7+ Hours of networking (Including 2 speed networking sessions)
20+ Hours of packed content
Key at Savant eCommerce Berlin 2018 topics to be discussed
• AI and the automation of business processes in e-Commerce
• Taking personalisation to the next level
• Voice: The next future of e-commerce?
• Smoothing out the bumps in the omnichannel road
• Working in the world of marketplaces
• Using technology to enhance customer experience & engagement
• Driving Digital Transformation - Position your organisation to be dynamic, innovative, and centred around the customer.
2018 Speakers
Steffen Heilmann
Senior VP of IT, MyToys
Tobias Haag
CEO, Wysker
László Kovács
Managing Director, Cyberport
Gabriela Seir
European Head Of Digital Product & Innovation, Coca Cola
Dirk Ploss
Digital Technologies Scouting and Advisory, Beiersdorf
Sascha Müller
Customer Director E-Commerce, L’Oreal
Kerstin Uhl
VP Digital Transformation – CRM & Analytics, Allianz
Jorge Ramos
Lead Digital Analytics, Zalando
Ben Farrell
Head of Central Operations and Transport, John Lewis
Stephan Schambach
eCommerce Pioneer, CEO & Founder, NewStore
Luca Weinrauch
Head of Digital International Division, Sony Music
Christoph Haberbauer
Managing Director DACH, Made.com
Dr. Jannika Bock
Head of Measurement & Attribution – Central Europe, Google
Jesko Breuer
Founder & Managing Director, customerIDENT
Christoph Sachsenhausen
Director Mobile, AboutYou
Linda Dauriz
Director Customer Experience & Corporate Development, Hugo Boss
Christian Leihner
Head of Creative Excellence/ Digital Transformation DACH, Unilever, Unilever
Daniel Bäumer
Director Omnichannel Capabilities & Experience, Vodafone DE
Oliver Gebien
Director eCommerce, Montblanc
Thomas Weyand
Vice President DACH, Content Square
Mark Ralea
Managing Director, Glossy Box
Malte Dannemann
Chief Customer Officer, Mars Petcare
Dr. Christoph Lütke Schelhowe
VP Product Analytics, Zalando
Lars Wagner
CMO & Member of the Board, Playmobil
Andreas Sobing
Head of CRM, Brille24
2018 Sponsors
• Eye Square
• Styla
• Dynamic Yield
• Exponea
• Selligent
• Amplience
• dotSource GmbH
• ContentSquare
• Retail Rocket