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Event Date | Tue Sep 19 EDT (over 7 years ago) |
Location |
10 On the Park at Time Warner Center 60 Columbus Circle, 10th Floor, NYC |
Region | Americas |
RavenPack’s prestigious annual event has experienced growing interest, with attendance last year exceeding 200 buy-side professionals. Word on the street is RavenPack’s research symposium is a “must attend event” for quantitative investors and financial professionals that are serious about Big Data.
Marko Kolanovic
Global Head of Quantitative and Derivatives Strategy, J.P. Morgan
Ichihan Tai
Portfolio Manager / Head of Data Science, Tokio Marine Asset Management
Rajesh Tembarai Krishnamachari
Vice President, Quantitative and Derivatives Strategy, J.P. Morgan
Peter Hafez
Chief Data Scientist, RavenPack
Deutsche Bank
J.P Morgan
Credit Suisse
World Quant
GSA Capital
DCM Data Capital Management
Roubini Global Economics
Fact Set
Raven Pack
IHS Markit
United States Federal Reserve System
Dow Jones
Automated Trader
Bloomberg briefs
Quant Conferences