Tignespace center
Tignespace center, Tignes 73320, France

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Event Date Mon Jan 29 GMT - Fri Feb 2 GMT (over 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Mon Jan 29 12:00am - Fri Feb 2 12:00am
Location Tignespace center
Tignes 73320, France
Region EMEA

6th Annual Winter Global Business Conference 2018 in Tignes (France) primarily aims at understanding the key issues of questioning the widely-held dogmas in global and local businesses. Given that the companies results mostly stemmed from the widely-held dogmas of doing business, the goal of the conference is to provide a platform for discussions regarding “truths” in different fields.

How did these “truths” come into being? Do they hold only under certain contingencies? Which assumptions underlie these “truths”? What if the “truth” is false? As it seems impossible to ignore that the well-known “truths” have led us to a quasi-functioning economic system, the question is – what should we think of differently at macro and at micro levels?

This conference provides an opportunity for an interdisciplinary take on this issue. We provide some ideas on what your research can focus (see Conference Tracks). However, list is just indicative but not exhaustive – so we welcome also ideas that are not covered by our suggestions.

Besides its interdisciplinarity, this conference wants to provide a platform for constructive dialogue on these important issues between academia and practice. We welcome diverse contributions: conceptual and empirical; abstracts and full papers; research in early stages and fully completed papers.

We welcome a diverse set of contributions: from those which are in an idea stage to those that are fully developed manuscripts.

We also welcome different formats for publication in the proceedings: from abstracts, which indicate the direction, to full papers. Proceedings (with ISSN) will be published by Innovation Institute.


2018 Speakers:

Hartmut Holzmüller

Thorsten Authmaring

Robert Refflinghaus

Mihai Calciu

Francis Salerno

Veronika Tarnovskaya

Andrzej Szymkowiak

Corinna Grau

Jürgen Moormann

Konrad Spang

Margaritis Stogiannidis

Zdravko Zekić

Luka Samaržija

Goran Kutnjak

Andrzej Szymkowiak

Robert Romanowski

Christine Del Notaro

Didem Akyuz

Ruth G. Kane

Leva Rouhani

Nuria Calvo

Oskar Villarreal

Koen Pieters

Giovanna Almeida

Ivan Verhaert

Amaryllis Audenaert

Unai Tamayo Orbegozo

Christian Maravelias

Bradley James Kalgovas

Ingmar Haffke

Sorin-Aurel Moraru

Delia Elisabeta Ungureanu

Milian Badea

Ionuț Moraru

Dominic Mircea Kristaly

Adrian Duță

M. Kenan Terzioğlu

Kai Erenli

Saku Hirvonen

Sasu Tuominen

Tommi Laukkanen

Michel Zins

Yasmine Khedhir

Tommi Laukkanen

Sasu Tuominen

Saku Hirvonen

Josée Laflamme

Lydie Roch

Andrea Saayman

Meville Saayman

Zvika Afik

Daniel Chernyak

Koresh Galil

Stefan Kesenne

Thorsten Lehnert

Yossi Shvimer

Avi Herbon

Thorsten Lehnert