Crown Towers Melbourne
Crown Towers Melbourne, 8 Whiteman St, Southbank VIC 3006, Australia

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Event Date Wed Jul 27 AEST (about 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Tue Jul 26 10:00am - Tue Jul 26 10:00am
Location Crown Towers Melbourne
8 Whiteman St, Southbank VIC 3006, Australia
Region APAC

Off the back of years of unparalleled trial and tribulation, with devastating bushfire seasons and the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, Victoria’s citizens and Government are successfully bouncing back, but not without some help from its tech and digital resources that have accelerated the state’s recovery. Budget announcements focused on continuing Victoria’s innovative ways of delivering care, especially for rural and regional citizens, and investing in the TAFE and training sector to create more places for digital literacy and employability skills courses to get Victorians back to work.

As the ramifications of the 2019-2020 bushfires persist, so has the Government’s reprioritisation of digital transformation for public service functions, with commitments to upgrade digital radio and communication services for fire management organisations to strengthen emergency responses and keep citizens safe. The FST Government Victoria 2022 conference will address these moves to reinvest its data and digital resources in policy guidance and future responses to crises, as well as its overarching strategies to enhance accessibility to services and to support citizens.

Join us where we’ll explore:
• The innovation of citizen services in the wake of several crises, and the digitisation of key social welfare functions
• Victoria’s post-COVID recovery program
• The state’s whole-of-government digital transformation program
• The re-engineering of Victoria’s digital resources and capabilities into public services that need it most
• The advancement of omnichannel services and platforms for citizens
• Data governance and adaptive cybersecurity


2022 Speakers

The Hon Danny Pearson
Minister for Government Services, Minister for Regulatory Reform, and Assistant Treasurer, Victorian Government

John O’Driscoll
Chief Information Security Officer, Department of Premier and Cabinet

Kenneth Bible
Chief Information Security Officer, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Steve Hodgkinson
Chief Digital Officer, Victoria Police

Adam Carthew
Chief Information Officer, Service Victoria

Andrew Larkin
Chief Information Officer, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing

Kathryn Gulifa
Chief Data & Analytics Officer, WorkSafe Victoria

Sven Bluemmel
Information Commissioner, Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner

Cassandra Highfield
Chief Information Officer, Victorian Building Authority

Michael Wootten
Chief Transformation Officer, Greater Western Water

Jason Owusu
Director Data Management, Department of Transport

Anthony Brittain
Chief Information Officer, Parks Victoria

Ashley West
Executive Director, Strategic Delivery, WorkSafe Victoria

Marija Maher
Chief Operating Officer, Victorian Ombudsman

Gordon Caris
Executive Director Customer Support Branch, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing and the Department of Health

Mark Rossiter
Executive Director Operations, Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA)

Vijay Narayan
Chief Information Security Officer, Environment Protection Authority Victoria

Andrea Clarke
Author and Facilitator, FutureFitCo

Kathy Coultas
Director, Strategic Technology Partnerships, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions

Rod Apostol
Chief Information Officer, Victorian Ombudsman

Ray Baird
CIO & Executive Director, System Solutions, Department of Health

David English
Executive Director Digital Health and Informatics (Chief Information Officer), Peninsula Health

Steve Armstrong
Director, Data & Analytics Strategy, WorkSafe Victoria

Michael Deichsel
Director Business Integration and Improvement team, People and Business Services, Department of Transport

Graeme Dunn
Director of Information Technology, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Dr. Amr Hassan
Associate Director for Infrastructure Platforms and eResearch, Monash University

Jennifer Dobell
Director Digital Operations - Digital Victoria, Department of Premier and Cabinet

Amrita Bhattacharyya
Director, Vaccinations & Testing Data and Intelligence, Department of Health

Peter Tonkin
Director ICT Service Delivery, COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria

Tony Wulff
General Manager, Technology & Transformation, Goulburn Valley Water

Dr. Luke Macaulay
Research Fellow, Deakin University’s Centre for Refugee Employment, Advocacy, Training, and Education (CREATE)

Danielle Magnusson
Manager, Solution Consulting - Employee Workflows, ServiceNow

Dr. Paul Cooper
Former A/Director, Digital Health, Department of Health and Human Services

Sponsors & Partners

2022 Sponsors

• Servicenow
• Smart Communications
• Splunk
• VMware

• Applan
• Acquia
• Cevo Australia
• HP
• Imperva
• Logicalis
• Mimecast
• Okta
• Plural Sight
• Quest
• Slack
• Snowflakes
• Thales
• Yubico

• Signavio

• Business nbn

• Slack
• VMware

• Riverbed Technology

• Salesforce