Hilton Canary Wharf, London, United Kingdom
Hilton Canary Wharf, London, United Kingdom

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Event Date Wed Sep 13 BST - Fri Sep 15 BST (over 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Wed Sep 13 12:00am - Fri Sep 15 12:00am
Region EMEA

This marcus evans conference will address how banks can create an FTP framework that is both forward-looking allowing it to be used as a commercial tool and drive business, but is also reactive to developing market and regulatory factors. With many regulations, such as the NSFR developing and major market events occurring, banks will want to ensure that their FTP is dynamic enough to adapt to any changes.

Since the financial crisis, the task of pricing business lines and products in accordance to the performance has become an increasingly challenging task as those in charge of FTP have had to factor in the cost of regulatory and market changes. In an unpredictable market saturated with regulations, banks must consider to what extent they are incorporating charges into their FTP frameworks. Banks can incorporate costs to a granular level; however this would mean that what was once a slick FTP tool driving growth will just turn into a framework that is safeguarding the business. It is those banks that have grappled with the art of using FTP as a pricing tool to achieve the right mix of business that will have a competitive advantage.



Johan Von Solms
Head of FTP

Mike Gregory
Global Head of FTP
Standard Chartered Bank

Sergio Afonso
Head of Optimisation and Funds Transfer Pricing, Group Balance Sheet Management
Lloyds Banking

Philip Lenehan
Head of Structural Market Risk Management and Transfer Pricing
Bank of Ireland

Barbara Ginet
Global Head of Funding

Christian Hasenclever
Head of ALM
Nord LB

Ruth Wandhofer
Global Head Regulatory and Market Strategy, Managing Director

Chris de Stigter
Head of FTP
ABN Amro

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