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Event Date |
Tue May 23 IST - Wed May 24 IST (almost 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Mon May 22 7:00pm - Tue May 23 7:00pm |
Location |
The Convention Centre Dublin
Spencer Dock, N Wall Quay, North Dock, Dublin 1, D01 T1W6, Ireland |
Region | EMEA |
Our industry is accustomed to disruption by ever-advancing technologies. However, the biggest disruptor of the past 15 months has been Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Almost no aspect of Europe’s financial infrastructure has been left untouched by its fallout. How are AFC frameworks and AML programs, as well as sanctions policies and procedures, evolving in the wake of this conflict?
Additionally, the lingering effects of Brexit pose another challenge for coordinated AML/CFT efforts in Europe. Emerging risks and opportunities in the FinTech sector and the quickly expanding cryptoverse also require unprecedented responses.
2023 Speakers
Rajeev Ahya, CAMS
Global Head of Anti-Financial Crime Education, Financial Crime Risk Education and Culture, Deutsche Bank AG
Shilpa Arora, CAMS
Senior Director, AFC Segment Solutions, ACAMS
Ruth Bailey
Managing Director, ICG Risk and Controls, Financial Crime Lead, Citi
Rūta Bajarūnaitė
Sanctions Group Chief Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lithuania, Board Member, ACAMS Baltics Chapter
Kieran Beer, CAMS
Chief Analyst, Director of Editorial Content, ACAMS
Dan Benisty
Head of Compliance - Northern Europe, Western Union
Philippe Bertho
Director, AML-CFT Directorate, Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR)
Andrea Bielska
Head of Financial Crime Audit for Financial Crime and Fraud, Nordea
Alessia Braeutigam
Program Manager – Implementation and Analysis, GFC and CP Learning Enablement Team, Paypal
Joby Carpenter
Global SME, Cryptoassets and Illicit Finance, ACAMS
David Clark, CAMS
Senior Financial Crime SME and Change Manager, ING
Deborah Connor
Partner, Morrison Foerster
Samuel Cousins
Senior Associate - Sanctions, Ransomware and Risk, ACAMS
Koos Couvée
Senior Reporter, Europe, ACAMS moneylaundering.com
Hue Dang, CAMS-Audit
Global Head of New Ventures, ACAMS
Ted Datta
Senior Director – Head of Financial Crime Practice Group (Europe, Americas and Africa), Moody’s Analytics
Andrew Davies
Global Head of Regulatory Affairs, ComplyAdvantage
Emiel den Boer, CAMS
Lead Intelligence and Analysis, ING
Mike Dunlop, CAMS-FCI
Head of Financial Crime and MLRO, Ulster Bank DAC
Christophe Ferrand
Head of Group AML, Societe Generale
Vincent Freigang
Research and Policy Coordinator, Transparency International
Christopher Ghenne, CAMS
Global Head Banking Compliance Solutions, SAS
Sinéad Goss
Managing Director, EMEA Head, AML, Anti-Bribery and Sanctions Legal
Dr. William Scott Grob, CAMS-FCI, CGSS
Director - Research and Analysis, ACAMS
Tommy Hannafin
Head of Anti-Money Laundering Division, Central Bank of Ireland
Emma Hardaker
Head of Financial Crime and Compliance, Lloyd’s of London
Susan Hawley
Executive Director, Spotlight on Corruption
Elizabeth Henry, CAMS
Chief Compliance Officer, SquareUp International Ltd, Ireland
Dr. Branislav Hock, CAMS, CGSS
Associate Professor (Reader) in Economic Crime and Compliance, University of Portsmouth
Jan-Gerrit Iken
Managing Director, Global Head of AFC Transaction Monitoring and Screening and Deputy Head of AFC, Deutsche Bank
Siobhain Ivers
Director, Global Compliance, Etsy
Michael Jacobs, CAMS
Chief Compliance Officer and MLRO, eBay
Tessa Kits
Head Business Change and KYC, Rabobank
Celia Lambert-Alcantara
Head of Sustainable Finance/ESG Compliance, Crédit Agricole CIB
Scott Liles
Chief Executive Officer, ACAMS
Alia Mahmud
Regulatory Affairs Practice Lead, ComplyAdvantage
Martin Markiewicz
Chief Executive Officer, Silent Eight
Éamon McDonagh, CAMS, CGSS
Head of Group AML Advisory/ Deputy MLRO Financial Crime Compliance - Group Risk, Bank of Ireland
Rick McDonell
Former Executive Secretary, Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Executive Director, ACAMS
Adam McLaughlin
Global Head of Financial Crime Strategy and AML SME ,NICE Actimize
Phale McMillian
Head of Financial Crime Risk Management and Deputy Group Chief Financial Crime Risk Officer NatWest, Male Silhouette
Director of Compliance
Jocelyn Norval
Global Transaction Monitoring and Screening Lead, ING
Peter Oakes
Independent Director, Regulated FinTech
Courtney Redd, CAMS
Head of Compliance Risk, Western Union
Arianna Rovetto
Group Head of AML, BANCOBPM Group, Board Member, ACAMS Italy Chapter
Denisse Rudich
Senior Policy Advisor, The Sentry
Kaushika Ruwangalla
Global Head of Risk and Compliance - FinTech Platforms, HSBC
Shelley Schachter-Cahm, CCAS
Chief Compliance Officer, CEX.io
Nathalie Schmitt
Head of Compliance with MLRO Function – Ireland, Société Générale
Willem Schudel
Head of Department, Financial Crime Supervision (AML/TF), De Nederlandsche Bank
Markus E. Schulz
Deputy Global Head FCC and Global Head of Change Management, ING
Tobias Schweiger
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, HAWK:AI
Mathew Seneviratne, CAMS
Global Anti-Financial Crime Partner, Deutsche Bank
Rocio Suarez Gray, CAMS
Financial Crime Compliance Director, LexisNexis Risk Solutions
Craig Timm
Senior Director of Anti-Money Laundering, ACAMS
Dr. Mark Turkington
Group Head of Financial Crime Detection, HSBC
Matthew Van Buskirk
Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Regulatory, Hummingbird
Leona Vaughn
Dr. Leona Vaughn, Vulnerable Populations Lead, FAST Initiative
Bert Paul Jan Verdoodt
Head of ESG Compliance, Data Protection and Regulatory Affairs, Danske
George Voloshin, CAMS, CGSS
Global Expert, Anti-Financial Crime, ACAMS
Lora von Ploetz
Head of Division AML Supervision of Payment Institutions, Agents and Crypto-Asset Service Providers, BaFin
Dr. Justine Walker
Global Head - Sanctions, Compliance and Risk, ACAMS
Helena Wood
Head of UK Economic Crime Plan Programme, RUSI
2023 Sponsors
• Nice Actimize
• Humming bird
• Lexis Nexis
• Moodys Analytics
• Silent Eight
• Sayari
• WorkFussion
• AML Rightsource
• Comply Advantage
• Hawk AI
• Grantthornton
• Quantifind
• Ripjar
• Fenergo
• Quantexa