Hilton San Diego Bayfront
Hilton San Diego Bayfront, 1 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101, USA

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Event Date Mon Jun 19 MDT - Wed Jun 21 MDT (over 1 year ago)
In your timezone (EST): Mon Jun 19 2:00am - Wed Jun 21 2:00am
Location Hilton San Diego Bayfront
1 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101, USA
Region Americas

For nearly five decades, this program has served as the cornerstone of education for multiemployer trustees and administrators. Sessions are designed to meet the needs of both trustees and administrators, whether they are fairly new to serving on a fund or have decades of experience. Attended by hundreds, this conference is large enough to offer choices of sessions yet small enough that you won’t get lost in the crowd.

Developed by active trustees, administrators and professional advisors, each session is designed to address current issues, providing the relevant context and information for you to make sound decisions for your fund. Keep informed of the latest industry trends, legal and regulatory changes, and best practices. Take away new ideas and a deeper understanding of how to run your pension and health and welfare funds.


2023 Speakers

Jennifer S. Abrams, Esq.
Partner, Susanin, Wildman & Brennan, PC

Paula D. Allphin
Plan Manager, BeneSys Administrators

Kathryn L.Bakich
Senior Vice President, National Health Compliance Practice, Leader, Segal

James S. Beall, Esq.
Partner, Willig, Williams & Davidson

Nikole Benders-Hadi, M.D
Medical Doctor, Behavioral Health, Included

Adam T. Boston
Chief Legal Officer, International Painters and Allied Trades Industry Pension Fund

Amanda R. Cefalu, Esq.
Shareholder, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren, S.C

Andre Cook
Business Representative International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers(IBEW), Local 58

James J. Donofrio
Chief Negotiating Actuary Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

Becky J. Drews
Vice President and Senior Consultant, United Actuarial Services, Inc.

Timothy K. Eicher
Principal, Slevin & Hart PC

Andrea L. Gibbs, CEBS, ITIL
Plan Director, SPFPA and Participating Employer's Benefit Trust Funds

Marc Goldwein
Senior Vice President and Senior Policy Director Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

Christopher J. Greco
Chief Executive Officer Waycross Partners llc

James M. Heinzman, CFE, CPA
Partner, Schultheis & Panettieri, llp

Martha M. Henrickson, CEBS
Attorney Management Guidance, LLP

Joseph F. Hicks, Jr. EA, FCA, MAAA, MSPA, QPA
Senior Vice President, CBIZ Retirement and Investment Solutions

Mary Karsten, CEBS, RHU
Fund Administrator, Wilson-McShane Corporation

Moira J. Kelly
President, Kelly Consulting llc

Michele L. Kessler
Secretary-Treasurer United Food and Commercial Workers(UFCW)

Michael A. Ledbetter, CEBS
Partner, Ledbetter Parisi llc

Earl Mathurin, M.S
Funds Administrator, Local 338 RWDSU/UFCW

Kevin J. McCaffrey, CEBS
President, Teamsters Local 707

Blake Parsons
Director of Labor Relations Sheet Metal, Air Conditioning and Roofing Contractors Association of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota and the Dakotas Mechanical Contractors Association

Christy Piti, R.Ph
Chief Executive Officer, Sav-Rx Prescription Services

Rebecca L. Rakoski, Esq.
Managing Partner, XPAN Law Partners, LLP

Neal S. Schelberg, Esq.
Partner, Proskauer llp

Annie Taylor, CFA
Managing Director, Senior Consultant Lead Verus

Heidi E. Tenbroek
Principal and Communication, Consultant, Milliman, Inc.

Michael P. Tomasiello
Labor Trustee, IBEW Local 400 Trust Funds

George K. Tuhowski, III
Partner/Co-Founder, Stellar Consulting, Inc