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Event Date | Mon Aug 12 EDT - Tue Aug 13 EDT (over 5 years ago) |
Location |
Washington Hilton
1919 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009, USA |
Region | Americas |
As the new Yellow Book’s effective date gets closer, the need to understand the new rules increases, especially relating to auditor independence. We’ll also focus on the latest GASB and FASAB standards, single audit news, and additional changes on the horizon, so you can proceed with confidence.
What to expect?
• Answers direct from accounting standard-setters, federal agencies and governmental auditing experts
• Networking with peers in public practice and government
2019 Speakers
Ron Elving
Senior Washington Editor, National Public Radio
Jim Dalkin, CPA, CGMA
Director, Financial Management and Assurance Team, GAO
Mike Santay, CPA
ASB Chair, Grant Thornton LLP
George Scott, CPA, CGMA
Chair, Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
Monica Valentine, CPA, CGMA
Executive Director, FASAB
Lindsey Oakley, CPA
Partner, BKD, LLP
David Vaudt, CPA
Chairman, Governmental Accounting Standards Board
Brett Baker, CPA
Assistant IG for Audit, NRC OIG
Bobbie Jean Bartz, CPA
Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Assistant Director, DOJ OIG
Mary Foelster, CPA, CGMA
Senior Director, Governmental Auditing and Accounting, AICPA
Amanda Ward, CPA
Partner, Plante & Moran, PLLC
George Strudgeon, CPA, CGMA
Audit Director, Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts
David Bean, CPA
Director of Research and Technical Activities, Governmental Accounting Standards Board
Chris Pembrook, CPA, CGAP, CRFAC
Shareholder, Crawford & Associates,PC
Brett Baker, CPA
Assistant IG for Audit, NRC OIG
John Good, CPA
Executive Director, Ernst & Young
Teresa Bordeaux, CPA, CGMA
Lead Manager — Governmental Accounting & Auditing — Public Accounting, AICPA
Chris Pembrook, CPA, CGAP, CRFAC
Shareholder, Crawford & Associates, PC
Brittney Williams, CPA
Partner, Heinfeld, Meech & Co., P.C.
Fredrick Carr
Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Air Force
Alaleh Jenkins
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Navy (Financial Operations), U.S. Department of the Navy
Joel Black, CPA
Partner, Mauldin & Jenkins
Kevin Smith, CPA
Partner, Crowe LLP
Michelle Watterworth, CPA
Partner, Plante Moran, PLLC
Heather Acker, CPA
Partner, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP
Nancy Miller, CPA
Managing Director, KPMG
Elaine Cahoon, CPA, CGFM, CISA
Senior Manager, KPMG
Jonathan Kraftchick, CPA
Managing Director, Cherry Bekaert LLP
Asif Khan
Director, GAO
Beryl Davis
Director, Financial Management and Assurance, U.S. GAO
Heather Pajak
Senior Policy Analyst, OMB
Tim Persons
Chief Scientist, GAO
Bob Scott, CPA
Assistant City Manager, City of Carrollton, Texas
Gil Tran, CPA
Policy Analyst, OMB - EXOP
Rebecca Shea
Director, GAO
Elizabeth Morales, CPA
Associate Director, Program Integrity Office, VA
Tammie Johnson
Program & Management Analyst, Treasury/Fiscal Service/FIT
Kim McCormick, CPA
Partner, Grant Thornton LLP
Beryl Davis, CPA
Director, Financial Management and Assurance, U.S. GAO
Mike Linder, PMP
Assistant Commissioner, Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Doug Criscitello
Executive Director, MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy
Amanda Ward, CPA
Partner, Financial Management and Assurance, Plante & Moran, PLLC
Shaara Roman, MBA
Founder & Managing Partner, The Silverene Group
Nick Dahl
Douglas Glenn
Wesley Miller