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Event Date Thu Jan 14 EST (almost 4 years ago)
Region Americas

The Alternative Investor Institute (AII) is a private membership organization for alternative investment management executives responsible for overseeing institutional business development. Members of the institute come together with the institutional clients and prospects they serve in exclusive settings that foster idea exchange while working to achieve common goals. Our aim is simple: we want to help investors make better decisions by putting them in touch with the best investment thinking in the business!

Devised by investors for investors, the agenda for each investor meeting draws heavily on current, best-practices presented by investors. Through thought-leadership roundtable discussions and customized research, AII drives innovation for the future of the investment management industry. By providing exclusive opportunities to interact with thought leaders in the field via structured meetings and by issuing on-trend, insightful reports and research, the Alternative Investor Institute (AII):

• Helps members strengthen and build relationships with senior representatives of major North American Pension Funds, Endowments, Foundations, Insurance Funds, and Investment Consultancies.
• Educates pension plan sponsors and senior fund executives on the opportunities, strategies, and challenges of active investing.
• Keeps members and institutional investors apprised of important issues and developments affecting investment decisions.
• Enables members to freely exchange ideas and experiences, helping them better serve and respond to their institutional clients and prospects.