Virtual Event

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Event Date Mon Oct 26 CET (about 4 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Mon Oct 26 12:00pm - Mon Oct 26 12:00pm
Location Virtual Event
Region EMEA

For the first time, we are delivering the full programme of this major ALFI event directly to all of you, live-streamed from Luxembourg.

The new format will provide anyone with the opportunity to participate, learn, and engage as if you were in the room with us.

What are we putting in focus this year?

Risk management – liquidity/sustainability/technology

Learn from industry experts and discover how investors and asset managers are incorporating risk management into their business strategy.

The morning sessions will be dedicated to sustainability and to liquidity risk.

The afternoon sessions will include sessions on i) real assets and ii) technology and end, as traditionally, with an outlook on regulation, which this time will be delivered by the Luxembourg regulator.


2020 Speakers


Marc-André Bechet
Deputy Director General, ALFI

Eric Bedell
Chief Privacy Officer, Franklin Templeton

Laurent Berliner
Partner, Deloitte, ALRiM Board Member

Olivier Carré
Partner, PwC Luxembourg

Vincent Croonen
Risk Officer, Aviva Investors Luxembourg S.A.

Sandra Crowl
Stewardship Manager, Member of the Investment Committee, Carmignac

Michael Derwael
ALRiM Board member & Risk Manager, MFS Investment Management Company (Lux) S.à r.l.

Dr. Martin Ewen
Chief Risk Officer, ARKUS FS

Sue Fraser
Managing Director, J.P. Morgan

Alain Hoscheid
Premier Conseiller de Direction, Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Dr. Stefan Junglen
Director, Head of Investment Risk EMEA ex. Germany, DWS group

Georg Kiefer
Chef de division, Prudential Supervision and Risk Management, Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Kian Navid
Policy Officer – Investment Management, European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

Dr. Luc Neuberg
President, ALRiM

Mehtap Numanoğlu
Chief Risk Officer - BBH Luxembourg, Co-Chair of the ALFI Cybersecurity Committee

Thomas Nummer
Member, ALRiM

Mike Sommer
Head of Risk Management EMEA/Conducting Officer Risk Manager, Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A.

Robert Taylor
Head of Investment Management, Chair of the IOSCO Asset Management sub-committee, Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

Marco Zwick
Director, Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Sponsors & Partners

2020 Sponsors and Partners

•VP Fund Solutions

•Absolut Research
•Securities Lending Times