Leonardo Royal Hotel London City,
Leonardo Royal Hotel London City,, 8-14 Cooper's Row, EC3N 2BQ, London

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Event Date Tue Sep 21 BST (about 3 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Tue Sep 21 3:30am - Tue Sep 21 11:00am
Location Leonardo Royal Hotel London City,
8-14 Cooper's Row, EC3N 2BQ, London
Region EMEA

Sharing their thoughts around this September's release of the latest MiFID and RTS 6 consultation will be ESMA.

They'll be able to offer insight into the industry's feedback around the frequency of the self-assessment process and the resulting impact on the depth of feedback if this process is changed.

There will also be the opportunity to discuss the authorisation process, expectations on public vs private data feeds and clarity around cross-border operations.

Meet with the heads of eTrading and Algorithmic Trading front office controls, as well as oversight and surveillance executives.

Understand how teams are building in controls to incorporate AI, remove market abuse and how they are choosing to incorporate model risk.

You'll also be able to meet with your peers to understand how they have adapted their systems and processes following the Covid-19 pandemic.

Join our keynote panel to understand how the major traders, banks and market makers are shaping their processes and controls.

Gauge the consensus on topics such as testing, surveillance, documentation and DEA paths to understand how your current protocols match up to the converging industry standard.


2021 Speakers

Benjamin Burlat
Senior Policy Officer-Secondary Markets, ESMA

Susan Gay
Compliance Advisory Expert, SMG

Anshul Gupta
Trading Compliance Officer, Flow Traders

Nick Idelson
Technical Director, TraderServe

Charles Mo
Head of Electronic Trading Risk Management, Greyspark

Ashish Pabalkar
Electronic Trading Product Development, Bank of America

Matthijs Pars
Director, Association of Proprietary Traders

Sri Patil
Algorithmic Trading Control Office, HSBC

Martin Podhorsky
Vice President, Deutsche Bank

Nick Powell
COO for Regulatory and Cross GBAM Initiative, Bank of America

Javier Sabio Gonzalez
Head of Advanced Analytics & Algorithmic Trading, BBVA

Chandler Wilson
Director, Bridge CI

Sponsors & Partners


• Traderserve