Grand Hyatt Seattle
Grand Hyatt Seattle, 721 Pine St, Seattle, WA 98101, USA

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Event Date Wed Oct 18 EDT - Thu Oct 19 EDT (over 1 year ago)
Location Grand Hyatt Seattle
721 Pine St, Seattle, WA 98101, USA
Region Americas

This event is hosted by CFA Society Seattle, CAIA Association, and the SAIA Association. With their guidance and oversight, this one-day event provides participants with an education-focused agenda and features leading practitioners from the fields of private equity, venture capital, real estate, hedge funds, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence and other sectors of the alternative investment market.

This is developed for:

• Institutional Investors
• Family Offices
• Financial Advisors
• Investment Consultants
• Plan Trustees
• Portfolio Managers
• Research Analysts
• Asset Managers


2022 (Past) Speakers

Leola Ross
Deputy Chief Investment Officer and Head of ESG, Seattle City Employees Retirement System

Kate El-Hillow
Global Chief Investment Officer, Russell Investments

Jason Malinowski
Chief Investment Officer, Seattle City Employees' Retirement System

Howard Hodel
Acting Chief Investment Officer, Employees’ Retirement System of the State of Hawaii

Michelle Mathieu
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer, Fulcrum Capital

Ian Toner
Chief Investment Officer, Verus Investments

Anna Totdahl
Investment Officer, Oregon State Treasury

Tom Chapman
Chairman of the Board, Trustee, Wyoming Retirement System

David Ratliff
Vice President, Investments & Treasury, Premera Blue Cross

Erik Lehr
Chief Investment Officer, Empirical Wealth Management

Tim Draper
Founder, Managing Partner, Draper Associates

Elmer Huh
Chief Investment Officer, M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust

Paul O'Brien
Trustee, Investment Committee Member, Wyoming Retirement System

Stuart Blair
Director of Research, Canterbury Consulting

Heather Redman
Co-Founder, Managing Partner, Flying Fish Partners

Nancy Zevenbergen
Founder, President, Chief Investment Officer, Zevenbergen Capital investments

Howard Coleman
Chief Investment Officer, General Counsel,Coldstream Capital Management

Gary Post
Managing Partner, Andina Family Offices