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Event Date | Thu Nov 9 EST - Fri Nov 10 EST (over 7 years ago) |
Location |
Holiday Inn Resort Los Cabos
Boulevard Mijares s/n, Centro, Zona Hotelera, 23400 San José del Cabo, B.C.S., Mexico |
Region | Americas |
2017 Speakers:
Robert Khan
Director, CEO & President of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives
Perianne Boring
Founder and President of the Digital Chamber of Commerce
Oscar Bazoberry
President of WNWTCoop. Founder and Director of WordData
Dr. Gustavo Rodolfo Cruz Chávez
Rector of the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur
Lilia Merodio
Senator of the Republic
Eduardo Quezada Escandón
President of the Spanish division of SyndicatedNews.NET
Michael Taggart
Founder of Adventure Marketing
John Gotts
Founder - TXSRB.org, Stokens.com & Family Office Venture Capital
Ignacio Sotelo
President of the Mexican Cyber Security Association
Juan Carlos del Castillo
Founder of Criptana
Gary McAllister
President of BankcoinReserve
Karina Avilés
President and Founder of BANKCOIN.global
Andrea Vara
CEO of BankCoin.global
2017 Sponsors:
• Stokens Security Tokens
• Tokens & Exchange
• Criptolana