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Event Date |
Wed Apr 22 CEST - Thu Apr 23 CEST (almost 5 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Wed Apr 22 11:00am - Thu Apr 23 11:00am |
Location |
Kap Europa
Osloer Str. 5, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
The BAI, as the lobby association for Alternative Investments in Germany, intends to bring participants at the BAI Alternative Investor Conference together to exchange their know-how and to contribute it to the comprehension of Alternative Investment in public. Alternative asset classes play an increasing role in the portfolio of institutional investors because of their positive qualities, for instance the risk minimisation or the higher return. As the acceptance has also grown in Germany, institutional investors invest more and more in Alternative Investments.
In particular, the conference offers an outstanding opportunity to exchange views on Alternative Investments with institutional investors, but also asset managers and service providers and other interested participants.