Convene, 117 W 46th Street New York, NY 10036, USA

What is Qwoted?

Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Event Date Wed Mar 11 EDT - Thu Mar 12 EDT (about 5 years ago)
Location Convene
117 W 46th Street New York, NY 10036, USA
Region Americas

Is your business ready to thrive in an volatile and unpredictable market? Do you know what it means to be a customer and purpose-driven organisation
Rarely has the Case for Business Agility been so clear. From lean management to failing fast; from disciplined agile to agile procurement – every concept, every principle, every element of organisational performance is being drawn toward the mindset and behaviours that characterise Business Agility, and with good reason.