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Event Date |
Wed Oct 23 AEDT - Thu Oct 24 AEDT (over 5 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Tue Oct 22 5:30pm - Thu Oct 24 1:30am |
Location |
Cliftons Sydney - Spring Street
10 Spring St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |
Region | APAC |
One in five data breaches are the direct result of employee error, yet according to ISACA Cybersecurity Culture Report 2018, only 58 percent of organisations have outlined a
cybersecurity culture plan or policy. There is recognition that technical cybersecurity measures do not operate in a vacuum, and need to operate in harmony with other business
processes. But is your organisation ahead of the game when it comes to enlisting a workforce ready to mitigate cyber risk? Don’t just focus on the ‘lock and keys’ of cybersecurity, it is crucial to the success of creating a cyber secure organisation that you remember people are the weakest link. You need to create an environment where employees become robust human firewalls against cyber attacks, a failure to embark on this change means your organisation is open to risk. Changing the knowledge, attitudes and values of people regarding cybersecurity is not something that happens overnight. Managing a successful cybersecurity culture requires leaders and a plan. This interactive two-day workshop will take you through an entire cybersecurity culture change. It will provide you with the tools to make better, clearer connections between strategic organisational plans and day-to-day work. You will walk away with a practical risk identification, cyber resilience strategy action plan to foster a compliant culture to defend against cyber crime.
2019 Speakers
Jo Stewart-Rattray
Director of Information Security & IT Assurance, BRM Holdich